Video Training - Equipment

This is all you really need to get stared making videos

square jelly

Mini - Tripod


Regular Tripod


Lapel Clip-On Mic


Rode Mic Andriod

apple mic

Rode Mic Apple


My struggles with...

....affects 80% of people

This is not natural / right

Let's do this together

I can help


What will fix or not fix....

How to get relief from....

Tips / Tricks to fix or avoid...

Exercises to avoid or do

Stretches to do or avoid

How to do what you love


Tell you story

Story telling / case study

"New" patient testimonials

It is possible

Feedback is welcome, help me make this the best video course possible.

Also, don't forget to fire off any questions that you might have. I have plenty of answers 😉


Video Training - Feedback