4 Killer Chiropractic Marketing Strategies

I wrote this article to teach you 4 killer chiropractic marketing strategies that my wife and I used to build a 500 visit per week practice. There were a number of marketing programs that we used in our office, but the four listed here did most of the heavy lifting. For most practices this is all the marketing you will ever need.
Business Massage Program
Our business massage program was responsible for producing between 20 and 30 new patients per month in our clinic. It was relatively easy to do, required very little of my time, and was obviously very productive.
In order to do this program you will need the following:
- A preferably just out of school female massage therapist
- A massage chair
- Bottles of water
Hiring a bubbly fun massage therapist is the first step to success here. I would sit down with our new therapists and explain what chiropractic is and how we can work together to help patients.
I would let them know that part of their job was going to be making phone calls to local businesses to set up massage appreciation days.
They would be responsible for setting up locations, doing massages, and offering incentives for employees to come into our clinic.
The following videos will walk you through all the details of this program. Watch them and you should have a very good understanding of how you can make this work in your city.
New Patient Dinner Program
Imagine having a single chiropractic marketing program that can produce all the patients your practice could ever need. The new patient dinner program can certainly accomplish this, but it won't we without a lot of hard work.
There are four critical steps to being successful here:
- You have to have a lot of leads
- You have to have good phone callers
- You have to be a good speaker
- You have to be a good closer
Very few doctors pull this off. They try a few times, fail, and then decide it doesn't work. There are a large number of details that have to go exactly right in order for this to work. If you miss one detail your results will be significantly cut down. If you miss two or more details you'll have a total failure.
If you feel that you have fairly good speaking skills and a decent staff in your office then I would spend the time necessary to learn all the ins and outs of this amazing marketing program.
I put together a series of videos that you can watch to learn every aspect of how our office brought in 30 to 40 new patients per month from dinners.
You'll need to write everything out, have staff meetings, and push this hard, but in the end you will be the envy of your friends.
Internet Marketing
I have a chiropractic internet marketing business so it's no secret that I love this marketing tool. Internet marketing can produce over a hundred new patients per month, but realistically it will probably not be your largest producing marketing tool. It's power comes from the fact that it does not take up your time. If you work with a company like Inception Chiropractic Websites you basically have a set it and forget it system in place for you.
I put together a very comprehensive article on this topic with a number of videos to walk you through what you should be looking for. Educate yourself on this topic and you will get the most of our your marketing dollars. Don't fall victim to the false promises that are out there.
Referral Card Week
The majority of practices fail to take advantage of all the new patients they could generate from their current clients. Fear stops most doctors from asking for referrals, so we came up with a system to take the doctor out of the equation.
Every other month we would schedule a week where every patient coming in would get two high quality glossy 5 by 7 cards. Our staff handed the cards out to each patient telling them to give the cards to anyone they knew that could use our help. Our staff then date stamped them and made sure the patient was aware of that time restraint.
This simple program was scheduled every other month in our office. Our staff had it on the calendar and carried it out without having to be told to do so. It was responsible for 10 to 15 new patients every month over a 3 year time period. Simply put this is a no brainer. You can learn more by watching the videos at this link below.
I know the chiropractic marketing strategies listed here can change your practice. Put them all together and you probably have more new patients than you care to have. Trust me having over 100 new patients in a month is an enormous amount of work, but the great news is that you can decide how many you want to have.