Chiropractic Social Media Tips For Chiropractors

If you are a chiropractor and looking to get the most bang for your buck on social media, these tips are for you! Most chiropractic offices that we speak to just don’t know where to start but once they get going it’s pretty easy for them to maintain. As with most new endeavors, the first step is coming up with a plan. After all, failing to plan is planning to fail. Chiropractic Social Media marketing can be an important aspect to your office.
Sitting down with your team and putting together a calendar is an effective way to create your plan for success. Make a list of topics that you want to post about and work them into your calendar. Decide what platform(s) you plan to post to each day, what time of day you will post and who is in charge of creating the content for the post. By varying the days and times of your posts you are likely to reach a broader audience since most people’s browsing habits are somewhat predictable.
Check out the tips below for more information about each specific platform and create your ultimate chiropractic social media plan today.
Facebook Marketing for Chiropractors
As you may have already noticed, Facebook’s algorithm likes videos. If you are going to attempt to engage your audience, why not increase your chances of being seen by posting quick videos. Think of topics that will be helpful or interesting like tips on improving your posture at work, ideas for an easy, healthy breakfast or a quick workout circuit for when you can’t get to the gym. Notice that none of these topics include a sales pitch or ask them to come into your office. If they are already following you they are more than likely already a patient of yours, so what’s the point.
Facebook Live is another option for taking on videos. If you are celebrating someone’s birthday at the office, take a video of everyone singing and that person blowing out the candles. Or maybe you are a bit of a prankster that likes to engage in practical jokes...why not capture it in real time and share it with your followers? Perhaps you are attending a charity event or running in a local 5K...these are both great options for taking an impromptu live video to showcase who you are outside of your chiropractic office.
Ok, so maybe you aren’t ready for the big screen. No problem! In order to get any benefit from your post, your goal should be to get comments and shares. The easiest way to guarantee comments is to run some sort of small contest. Post a picture of a jar full of jelly beans and offer a free adjustment to whoever guesses the closest. Other popular ideas include asking people to guess how many spots are on a giraffe, lights on a christmas tree or picking a winner during a sporting event such as March Madness. The possibilities are endless, don’t take much effort and can cost next to nothing.
If you would like to learn more on Facebook Ads, check out our free information on Chiropractic Facebook Marketing.
Twitter for Chiropractors
Twitter moves quickly. The shelflife of a tweet is less than 20 minutes, on average. That means that if someone doesn’t see your tweet within 20 minutes of you posting it, they probably won’t ever see it. The obvious fact here is that you need to be more active on Twitter if you plan to reach your audience. Plan to send out tweets in the morning before the office opens, around lunch time and then again before the end of the day. Just make sure to change up what you are saying. If you copy and paste the same tweet three times every day you run the risk of looking spammy.
When it comes to hashtags there is some interesting data out there. Tweets with one hashtag get twice as much interaction than those without one. Including a second hashtag also sees a boost in engagement, but too much of a good thing can actually be bad. Tweets with three or more hashtags actually get less interaction than those without one. The lesson here is to choose one or two clever hashtags to ensure the greatest degree of success.
Including a picture or video also increases the likelihood that your tweet will receive attention. In fact, adding a picture doubles your chances of being favorited and adding a video makes you six times more likely to be retweeted. Twitter may limit you to 280 characters but a picture (or video) is still worth a thousand words.
How can a chiropractic office use Instagram?
The first step to marketing on Instagram is making sure that you have your account set up as a business account. If you haven’t done this yet, don’t’s a simple change. If you go into your options all you need to do is click on “Switch to Business Profile”. You can then link it to your Facebook account and you’ll be all set.
Now that your account is set up properly let’s talk about the best use for Instagram. There are over 800 million monthly users, 60 million photos posted each day and those photos receive 1.6 billion likes. Any advantage that you can use to stand out in the crowd should be used to its fullest. Well, Instagram offers this advantage in the way of something it calls Stories.
Instagram Stories appear above the news feed in a bar that scrolls from side to side. These stories differ from a typical post in that they are actually a slideshow of pictures. They only appear for 24 hours but you can save them to be posted again in the future. So get your staff together, have some fun with the many filters that Instagram offers and take some pictures to turn into a slideshow. You can display the lighter side of your office and use it to engage with your patients.
Can a chiropractor use Youtube?
It’s no secret that YouTube is the second most visited site in the world, right behind Google (which actually owns YouTube). Crazy, huh? Unfortunately for chiropractors, very few people are searching for videos that pertain to anything that has to do with chiropractic. But that doesn’t mean that having a presence is a waste of time. After all, Google owns YouTube so at the very least you can see a SEO boost for your efforts.
Your subject matter can really focus on anything related to health and wellness. If you do any informational talks in your office you can post a recording for anyone who wasn’t able to make it. If you love to cook you can post videos of you making a healthy recipe or if you’re into exercising you can record a video about quick workout tips. There are a ton of possibilities and if it’s something you are already doing, it’s not much work to set up a camera and capture the moment. Don’t forget to come up with a compelling title for your video and a good description. This will help to increase viewership.
Once the video is posted to your YouTube page, it’s also a good idea to write a quick blog post about it for your website. Place a link to your video in the blog for maximum impact and watch your views increase. This traffic that is created between your site and your YouTube account can only help you rank better in an organic Google search. A higher ranking means more clicks and more clicks means more new patients. You get the point.
Chiropractic Pinterest tips
Last but not least, we have Pinterest. Like Instagram, it’s a good idea to sign up for a business account. Just be aware that the Terms of Service include some different rules for using the platform. The main differences include not running contests “too often”, not promoting spam, not suggesting that your business is endorsed or sponsored by Pinterest and finally, not running a sweepstakes where a pin represents an entry. Nothing crazy here but worth noting.
The great thing about Pinterest right now is that your pins will stay relevant much longer than a post on Facebook or a tweet on Twitter. This means that you can potentially get more back from the effort you invest in it. It’s also true that 80% of current Pinterest users are female and that’s great news for chiropractors. That’s because the overwhelming majority of decision makers are female when it comes to chiropractic care.
Statistics also reveal some other interesting trends on Pinterest. Lighter images are preferred over dark images and those without faces are much more likely to get repinned. It’s much more about providing information than it is about making a personal connection here. With that in mind, pinning tips and tricks for healthy eating, better exercise or natural pain relief are likely to perform well. The term “instructographic” was created by Pinterest and is their spin on the more recognizable “infographic”. These pins are very popular because they are considered to be DIY in nature which is the second most popular category on Pinterest.
Now that you have a breakdown of each platform it’s time to formulate your plan. Don’t feel like you need to get involved in all of them at the same time, either. Start with whichever you are already the most comfortable with and spread your social media wings from there. If you implement a new one each month, in a year’s time you’ll be a pro. So sit down, start brainstorming with your team and put your plan into place. Best of luck!