Personal Audio Messages


From time to time as a marketer you come up with an idea that is unique and exciting.  I’m really excited about this chiropractic marketing idea, but I’m not practicing right now to test it out.  From the results I’ve seen in my own business today I know it’s a winner.

A few months ago I had a message come to me that really impressed me.  I had sent a mentor of mine an email asking him if he would coach us in our business.  I hoped that I would hear back from him in a few days, because he’s a very busy guy.

Within 30 minutes of my email going out I saw that I had a message from him.  It said…”Hi Mike…please click on the attached audio file….Dave.”

I clicked the button and there he was in crystal clear sound giving my wife and I an explanation of how he felt he could help us.  He recorded a 3 minute audio for us which made us feel very special.  He was able to send us a great deal of personalized information in just a few minutes.  It saved him time and was much more powerful than a simple email would have been.

Today about 75% of the email messages I send to my clients are in audio form.  I very often get compliments on how cool it is, and it’s impressed a few new clients enough to get them to join my service.

So How Can You Use This?

I think that this would be an awesome system for patient reactivations.  In a few minutes each day you could easily send out personalized audio messages to patients that you haven’t seen for a while.  If I were a patient in your office I would be very impressed that you cared to do that.  Even if I didn’t come in right then I would certainly choose your office in the future.

I think this is a patient reactivation game changer.