Internal Patient Dinners


There are two different forms of dinners that I’ve seen offices do.  They are both usually done external to the office, but they are done in different ways.  One dinner is done using 100% external leads, while the other is a mixture of patients and referrals.  On this page I’m going to be describing the later of the two, and this program is very good if you are not experienced at doing dinner talks.

There are a lot of moving pieces that come into play with dinner talks.  The big external leads dinner program can be very difficult, so this dinner program is a great place to start.  The basic premise is that you are going to invite some of your best patients to a dinner with you.  In order to attend the dinner with you they are required to bring 1 or 2 guests with them.

The scripting for this offer would go something like this, “Hi Sue…you’ve been a great patient to work with, and your results have been amazing to see.  I’m going to be doing a dinner in a few weeks, and I’m inviting a few of my best patients.  I’m asking each guest to bring 1 or 2 friends or family members along so that they can hear some of the amazing stories that we’ve experienced here.  Is that something you would like to attend?”

If they say yes then, “Great…Heather at the front desk will give you some information about the dinner, and she can also help you with your guests.  I’m excited that you’re going to be there.  It’s going to be a great night.”

The front desk staff can then schedule the patient, and also confirm who their guests will be.

This is not a program that is going to produce huge numbers of new patients, but it will certainly be successful if done right.  Once you have some experience with this smaller dinner, you may want to move up to the larger chiropractic dinner program.